Website Upgrades & Maintenance

When it comes to your business on the web, have us do all the work, so you don’t have to . . . .


The average consumer will likely never notice small changes and updates to your website, but Google always does.

These changes are referred to in the SEO industry as freshness. There is an actual algorithm Google uses to rate your website’s level of freshness and it’s a key component to keeping your website ranked in a good position. Freshness is basically keeping your website updated with new and up-to-date information. New content keeps your website ranked well in the search engines.


Building a strong link profile takes time. In some cases it can take several years. But another key component is to make sure all the links within your website (links on your website that link to another page on your website) remain intact. Even small changes to your website can result in broken links.

Keeping up on the maintenance for a website is a straightforward and simple process. However, if you have a website that consists of dozens, or even hundreds of pages, this can be a very difficult and time-intensive ordeal.

Website Maintenance and updating your website are extremely important. We’ve given just two small examples above why it’s so important to keep up with the maintenance of your website and ensure you are reaping the full benefits of a professionally built site. Websites need to be maintained and upgraded on a regular basis to ensure optimal performance. With every new update to your website, your search engine visibility can increase and your rankings grow higher and higher organically!

Updating things like links, new pages, colors, graphics, pictures, anchor texts, H tags, alt descriptions, URL’s, verbiage, keywords, META Description, profiles and other items on a regular basis keeps your site fresh, current and relevant in the search engines. The best part of this service is there is no downtime to your website and this service is included with your web design contract.

key features
  • High usability
  • Improved performance
  • Customizable interface
  • Crossplatform support
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